Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy

Divine Alchemy’s psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy is a spiritual-based approach to healing and personal growth and spiritual awakening or transformation. The sacrament may help to repattern the brain to move toward more optimal states of being, to examine the nature of oneself and reality, and to connect to more beauty, love, and one’s personal mission on earth.

The three phases of this therapy are preparation (1+ counselling sessions, assessment, and orientation), 3-hour private ceremony (1-2 people: individual, couple, or with a close friend), and integration (check-ins and follow-up counselling sessions).


Knowing what to expect to relax and welcome the experience

Determining if the right fit for you given your intentions, medical history and medications, and personal resources

Developing a toolkit of coping strategies and inner resources

Empowering you to feel ready for the experience and create space to integrate the experience

Ceremony experience

Intimate space and customized dose for the most safe, comfortable, and optimal experience

A mystical experience of oneness with the Infinite/Divine/Source/Creator. The Samadhi experience, glimpsing into the nature of reality and feeling an accompanying sense of bliss, wonder, and sublime peace.

Altered sense of time and space loosens limiting beliefs about the self and reality

Relaxation of ordinary concerns and letting go of the usual mindset and applying insights directly to specific areas of challenge in your life

Disruption of negative feelings, preoccupations, and typical way of responding to your situations in your relationships

Potential experiencing of ecstatic bliss and experientially learning how to open the body to this state in daily life

Testimony from recent participant:

“I felt so safe and cared for by Christina and TwoSkies. They both have a real gift for doing this work and I am so grateful for the experience. This is a game changer for me. I’m feeling a sense of wholeness and of being held in love – such a beautiful gift. I’m still so blown away by the amazing, profound, and bizarre experience and feel so much gratitude and even relief.” – A.P. 


Close follow-up to encourage a comfortable and effective integration with Christina Clapperton, professional counsellor

Assistance to create meaning from the experience, making profound insights accessible and actionable

Should repressed trauma come up after your ceremony (Congrats, that means you’re more resourced and ready to face it than you’ve ever been!), you’ll be supported by your professional counsellor/trauma therapist

Come up with a plan with your therapist to maximize the 4-6 week period in which new neural pathways are created

~ Please inquire for fees or to book a free discovery call to determine if trauma-informed psychedelic therapy and/or integration therapy is right for you